Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cherish the moment

Last Thursday, I visited my granduncle who had just been admitted to the hospital for stroke. The many results of stroke include, paralysis of certain parts of the body, deterioration of the brain and memory, inability to control emotions, and also speech and hearing difficulties.

How does stroke affect speech? According to medical references, there are 2 effects - 'aphasia' and 'dysarthria'. Aphasia is a disorder that results from damage to portions of the brain that are responsible for language. So those diagnosed with this have trouble saying what they're thinking. Consequently, it affects the ability to listen, read and write. Dysarthria, on the other hand, is a speech disorder that is due to a weakness or incoordination of the speech muscles. Speech becomes slow, slurred, imprecise, and uncoordinated. So stroke survivors can be hard to understand. Effects can be relatively minor and short-lived, but it can also be a long-term condition. Nevertheless, a disorder is a disorder, and we would still have to endure it.

So what happens if someday we (touch wood!) loose the ability to speak? Due to unforeseen circumstances. Have we ever wondered and thought about it? I daresay that I have not. Most of the time, we never realise the importance of what we possess until it is lost. So, it hit me then, when I saw my relative lying in bed like that. It made me realise how lucky I am that I am able to speak properly. My body is fully in-tact, and functioning well. The last visit I paid to him, he still couldn't talk properly. And my relatives and I were all straining our ears, trying to catch what he meant. It is difficult for us, because we it is difficult for us to understand what he is trying to say to us. But I think, it is more so for him. Imagine being unable to communicate with the other person. No matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to be able to say it right, and convey the message across. You try your best to reach out to the other person, but your hard work is just, unfortunately, futile. There were also times when he would get a little agitated. Because he just couldn't seem to express his thoughts into words. I think if it were me, I would be frustrated as well.

So I felt really contented as I left the hospital. I think we should always seize the moment! Live in the moment, as they say. What happens if we never get a chance to say what we wanted to say? No more tomorrows.. Like, for example, you've always wanted to talk to this person. But you're intimidated to do so. And then, before you know it, its too late, because you don't get to see that person anymore. And then, you'd just live in the past, live in regret. Because for the next few days, you'd be wishing you had the chance to rewind, and COMMUNICATE with that person. Communication. Its complex. But, nevertheless, its a major role in our lives.

So I guess what I'm saying is, we should be thankful for what we have. We should be grateful that we are blessed with the ability to converse with others. Imagine how hard it is for those who are verbally-impaired, how they have to use different forms of non-verbal communication to converse with others. So, since we are lucky enough to be able to communicate properly, lets take every moment to shower others with words of comfort, joy, and happiness!


I was sitting at the kitchen table, desperately awaiting inspiration to strike me. As I was stoning, just sitting absent-mindedly, thinking of the next topic of my post, something caught my attention. It was a small group of ants. And they were all busy making their way towards the cake crumbs which I had so carelessly dropped on the table about a mere 10 minutes ago. But it wasn’t the ability to smell the sweetness in the air, or how they could discover the location of the food that amazed me. But rather, it was how a single ant could alert the rest of its colony, and lead them to the source of the food in such a short period of time that intrigued me.

Personally, I don’t think ants are very likable. They are different from those lovable creatures, such as dogs and cats. Unlike home pets, ants aren’t cute, furry, and nice to play with. On the contrary, they are teeny-weeny, insignificant creatures. We do not eat ants, nor do we find them entertaining and amusing in any way. Hence, I don’t think ants serve much of a purpose to us humans, unless you consider ‘white ants’ or termites that feed on wood. Anyway, how do ants communicate with one another? I don’t think ants can see much, and according to the internet, due to their compound lenses, ants see things broken up, like an image in a kaleidoscope. So this definitely does not aid communication.

But ants are fascinating little creatures. They have other special means of communicating. They communicate using tactile communication, which is a form of communication through the sense of touch. Ants communicate using chemical signals, known as ‘Pheromones’. This process, called ‘Chemoreception’, is the primary communication vehicle that allows ants to recognise other colony members, determine castes, signal attack or defense, and most importantly, mark trails to food or water sources. Hence, they are able to perceive smells with their long, thin and mobile antennae, which provide information on the direction and intensity of the scent.

So how does communication between ants relate to communication between humans? Ants are social insects, insects that live co-operatively in colonies, and exhibit a division of labour among distinct castes. Like ants, we are social creatures. We need to interact with our families and friends. If not, we’ll just feel lonely. Another similar characteristic is that both humans and ants communicate by tactile communication. Tactile communication is communication through touch, which is sort of, a mode of non-verbal communication. Although there are other more significant forms of intrapersonal communication, we also communicate a great deal through physical contact. Through physical contact, we can convey emotions of warmth, affection, or the opposite of it which is hostility, coldness, or anger. For instance, when comforting someone, we will not only comfort by words alone, but also by hugging the person. On the contrary, when someone is enraged, he or she might give in to anger, and give the other person a good smack in the face.

Coming back to the topic, ants are similar to humans in some ways. And more importantly, what we should bear in mind is what we can learn from them.

Friday, May 29, 2009

That Silence....

Guy X: What's up?
Girl Y: Huh? *lost*
Guy X: How was your day?
Girl Y: Fine.


Guy X: What did you do today?
Girl Y: Nothing.
Guy X: >.< *silence* Guy X: Wanna go out for lunch? Girl Y: No. Guy X: >.<


Is the connversation above a dejavu? Is it the typical "guy checking out uninterested girl" experince? Or maybe "guy checking out unreadable, mysterious gal" experience? Perhaps it's just the "guy trying to talk to BORING girl" scenario. What if it was the "guy talking to angry girl" drama? *dangerous-ness?*

Silence in conversations and communication; good or bad? Is it "awkward silence" or "silence is golden"? Many times, we perceive silent people as boring or rude. Silence is used in many situations for more than 1 reason. A classic example is shown in the conversation above. Girl Y could have been angry or too tired to answer Guy X. It could also be that she was not interested in talking to him because she probably knew he was not her type and did not want to encourage him.

Silence can be used in classroom situations. A teacher is teaching Chemistry when a group of students at the back of the class suddenly cause a stir and the class turns chaos. She can choose to compete with the students shouting to get them to keep quiet OR use silence to get her point across. She decides she will not waste her voice. Instead, she just stops teaching and remains standing silently, waiting for the class to simmer down. To her delight, many students actually realise that she will not go on until they quiten down and allow her to speak. Point taken! The students settle down and turn their attention back to her.

The following are some facts you might want to know about silence in communication.

1. Silence in a conversation puts pressure on the other party
Fact file: It is a norm in the US to ensure that there is no silence when u are carrying a conversation. To allow a gap of silence often puts pressure on the other party to "fill the air time". In interviews, when silence is present, the person being interviewed may unitentionally let out a piece of information he or she intended NOT to say!

2. Silence can mean hostility
Some people manage their anger by just keeping silent! Be wary of a silent person altho it doesn't mean every quiet person is an angry person >.<

3. Silence can indicate disagreement
It may mean the person differs in opinion with you or that there are negative emotions. When a u human is scared, angry or embarassed, the brain naturally stops thinking. We often are left speechless because we just can't find the words or are fuming mad. These emotions flood us and most of the time cause us not to be able to speak.

4. Silence may also bear profoundness; Awe or Horror
It may because we have heard something thats too good to be true. A beautiful girl might leave a guy awestruck while a traumatic accident may leave one too horrified to speak. Sometimes words like "Oh!" or "Wow!" or "That's awesome!" don't seem enough; so we fall silent.

5. Silence denotes respect
Particularly in Asian cultures, the young are thought to keep quiet when elders are speaking. This is a mark of respect. Talking would show disrespect and children are only suppose to talk when they are asked to.

6. Silence indicates contemplation
Smart people think before they speak. Especially critical thinkers. They do not just talk because they have nothing better to do. This silent contemplation enables them to come up with brilliant and intelligent conversations.

7. Silence may exhibit intentional rudeness
When you refuse to reply another person, it shows that you are ignoring them.

8. Silence can display sympathy
Sometimes, we may not be able to come up with the right words that will make a person feel better. In situations like this, it is sometimes best we just keep silent and let the person do the talking because allowing the person to let out his problems may help him feel better. Our opinion is not always the solution to things.

9. Silence shows that we are listening
We should not keep butting in when others are speaking. This is very rude and only shows that we lack attention. Instead, keeping silent many times shows the speaker that we are paying attention and listening. (too much silence might indicate that your mind is somewhere else or that you're asleep!)

10. Silence is determined by you
Good or bad silence is determined by you! It is up to you how you want the conversation to flow.

Silence; awarkward or a golden moment? Think it over.

Signing off,
Jane Tai

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Colors in Communication

Do you realise that colors have EVERYTHING to do with COMMUNICATION? Colors are known as the ESSENCE of LIFE in commercials, advertisements and almost everything you come across. It is yet another form of NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION. For hundereds of years, colors have been used by mankind in cosmetics and face-painting. Colors can help CHANGE the way you look. Drawing dark lines and white hair can make you look old, while green make up will make you look ghostly. Without having to mention, BRIGHT colors can never make a face look sad. CLOWNS who do not use verbal communication while performing use face paint to express themselves.

The color of your FOOD is just as important as the way it tastes. Just imagine looking at a purple hamburger or a grey ice-cream. How delicious could that hamburger or ice-cream be? The color of our food often tells us whether or not it will be good to consume. Raw meat that is fresh is usually red. The same way goes for fresh vegetables that are green. Frozen foods often have additional coloring in it so that it will look more ATTRACTIVE to the consumer's eyes. A bright red sauce may look tastier than a brown sauce. Medicines and pills come in a large array of colors so that we can differentiate each of them and they will not look so threatening to consume. Colors also play big roles in FESTIVALS. Have you ever wondered why people wear red during Chinese New Year? In the chinese culture, red symbolises good luck. Therefore, when an elder gives you an 'ang pau' (red packet) during Chinese New Year, he or she is actually wishing you good luck. (Besides giving you the money inside!)

Colors are also used by TREKKERS to mark their journeys in the jungle. This is one of the ways they use to communicate with other trekkers. Colored markings show the trail or the path taken so that the other trekkers do not get lost. Colored LIGHTS are also used to communicate. Ships have lights on the sides of their bodies so that other ships can tell which direction they are coming from. Runways in airports are lit with green, blue, red and yellow lights to direct and tell the pilot where to go. Without these lights, planes will crash everytime they try to land or take off. Another classic example is red, yellow and green lights on the traffic light. Red lights tell us to stop as there will be danger if we do not. Yellow lights warn us to slow down because soon, we will have to stop the car. Of course, every driver loves the green light because it gives us the right of way to breeze down the road.

Here are some other ways that colors are used in communication. RED is often associated with heat and warmth because the cave dwellers who live thousands of years ago, fire meant warmth, cooked food and protection from wild animals. Red is also a royal color. When the Queen of England visits places, a red carpet is rolled out for her to walk on. This is a form of communicating respect.

Pick a random color. Maybe ORANGE? The orange robes of Buddhist monks are a sign of their dedication to the simple way of life. Today, many people working on roads or construction sites wear bright orange jackets to communicate to passersby and traffic to be cautious as they are doing work. In the 1930's and 40's telephone operators said, "Give me an orange" if they wanted a long distance connection!

YELLOW, yellow dirty fellow? Yellow is a color that has some very different meanings. It can be linked to sickness and weakness, or the life giving power of the sun. Yellow is the color of the sun. For the aborigines in Australia, yellow is the color of life, strength and happiness. At the center of the Aborigines' flag is a yellow disc. Beside, a flag called Yellow Jack is flown from a ship to warn others that people on board have a disease. Yellow is also the color of fear and cowardice. In additon, when people were searching for gold to make their fortunes, they were said to have caught the yellow fever. 'Yellow stuff' was a slang term for gold - usually gold that had been stollen!

What about BLUE? Blue is the color of the sky and of water. The Blue Peter is an internationally known flag. It is used as a communication tool among ships. When a ship is ready to sail from a harbour, it will hoist the Blue Peter to warn other ships.

To sum up, colors that we see everyday play a big role in communication although we constantly take them for granted. Life will be hard without colors. Color your life B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!

Written by,
Jane Tai

Friday, May 22, 2009

My Dad

When people talk about father, what do you think of their image?! Most of the people will said that, he is a solemn person. He always warns us not to do this, not to do that. They seldom showed their love even they do love us and so on. Well, today I’m going to shared about the relationship between me and my dad who is totally contrast from the image that I just mentioned before.
My dad, big and tall, 47 years old and with the most remarkable trait “botak” ( shaven head ). His friends used to call him “botak” and I think he is very pleasure and comfortable on it because he always said that : “This is my registered TRADEMARK !”.Harz……this is the way he used to be humour and the most lovely part of him. Actually my dad really is a humour person. It shows easily when someone else spit out food from his/her mouth……. --_--”
Most of the times, people will say that father are closer with son whereas mother with daughter. But this situation and the position will change when it met my family. I use to communicate with my dad more often than my mom and even I faced out problem, I often choose to shared it with my dad. He is the best listener I ever had and plays good role in both advisor and supporter when I was down. We seems more like friend than father and daughter. How you get your first sex education?! Most of the time answer will be at “secondary school”, “my friend”, “internet”, “VCD or DVD” and etc. Guess what, mine is taught by my dad when I was 13 years old. He is a open minded and democratic person which make me feel luck. The purpose for him is to clarified our query and to satisfied our curiousity. ( But of course I know the main reason is to avoid us from making mistake that we could never imagine. Because once it has done, that’s about it! Don’t even think about second chance )
Besides that, my dad also cherish on every single minute that he spent with us. He enjoy to be with us rather than engaged in social activities. He is the man that no matter what happened, family will always be the first to go on. He took family as the main element in all of his consideration. What can I say, my dad is the kind of man that almost become extinct and this will be the term for me to take into consideration for finding a spouse in the future. ( If possible la… ) Furthermore, my dad would never being stingy for showing his by saying “ I LOVE YOU ”. This made me feels warm and fragrant. Just think about it, how many fathers will say this kind of word, some more man always think that their dignity wouldn’t allowed them to do so. Well, I mean even boyfriend also seldom open their mouth and say the word.
Father’s Day is coming soon, I am going to work on something for showing my love and appreciation to him. How about you guys, don’t think that you are old enough for doing it. Let me tell you something, no matter how old are you or how mature you are, your parent will always threat you as a child and this love will continue forever and ever. So what do you waiting for, this is the chance to show your love and communicate with them all out. Try to do something that can profound you and your dad, something that is valuable to keep in yours and his memory forever. Maybe this will helps to get both of your relationship closer and probably could understand each other more deeply. ( Who knows ??! )

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Food & Communication

Food is any substance, usually composed of carbohydrates , fats, protein, water and sometimes fiber, that can be eaten or drunk by us for nutrition or pleasure. But have you ever think of that food can brought to communication not only within the country but also the whole globe. Food can be different types and tastes that influenced by one’s country traditional, cultural, custom and environment. These different cultures brought to various of cuisine so that we have Chinese cuisine, Indian cuisine, Malay cuisine, Western cuisine and etc…

I just get Malaysia for all my narrate afterwards. Malaysia was composed by multiraces and the three main races in Malaysia were Malay, Chinese and Indian which already brought to three different cultures. So can you imagine still have how many cultures of others in Malaysia out of these three. Different cultures means different cuisine and what can I said “ Malaysians were such a good luck by bestowed with gourmet’s luck to enjoy various of food! ” Through these gave us the opportunity to know our friend from different races and background more better and learn about their custom to avoid “ something ” happened without what we meant to be.

Besides, some of my friends from different races, they are enthusiasm and like to make friend. Food is the good way for them to learn about each other. For example, such as family gathering, they often have a small gathering and each of them cook for a dish and bring some new friend together. In this gathering, they share many thing with other such as their cultural, experience and point of view. Due to this communication, we gain our knowledge and build a new friendship.

Like I always said that “ Food not only food, it also plays on other FUNCTION ”. Food not only to fulfill our hunger but it also plays a role in communication especially now. It communicated one country to others. ( Example : import and export ) When the standard of living enhance, the requires on tasty food will also increase. I hope one day in the future, I will get the chance to travel around the world and taste on different cultures cuisine. Furthermore, to meet different people and experience on their living style.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Food, Music & Art

hey there! its Carmen. And this is post no. 2=)

I was watching a korean drama series the other day, when I came across this line, that for some reason, just struck a cord with me. It goes something like this, ' There are three things in life, that speak a universal language - food, music, and art '. Is this true then? I thought to myself. That they can transcend cultures, break the barriers between different classes in society or even bring together people of different nationalities? If so, then thats just truly amazing.

But, how? How does it improve human interaction? I think, that with the immense advancement in today's technology, all things can be made possible! Well, maybe not all, but most. This is my first guess. Technology here refers to, indisputably, the internet. Lets take music as the example. There are so many music related websites on the internet. And within these websites, there are many many sites dedicated to just chatting, commenting and sharing opinions on music with other people. For example, internet forums, message boards or online discussion sites. Hence, people participating in these web applications can build bonds with each other, and interest groups will be easily formed around a discussion topic. It is their interest for the same kind of music that brings them together. And the internet, is nothing more that a medium (is that right?), that facilitates this entire process of communication. Whereas, music is what links them together. Even for people of different nationalities. Two people can be on the opposite ends of the earth, yet they can communicate through the internet based on their mutual interest.

Next, food. Everybody loves to eat. It is often said that, some people eat to live, but some, live to eat. Theres no denying that. Malaysians already serve as living proofs. With so much good food around us, what's not to love? Food can really bind ties between one another. Alright, for example, my relatives from overseas, such as, my cousin from Canada. He was completely brought up there, as his family migrated there when he was just a kid. So, the last time he came back for a visit, he brought along his girlfriend who is a Canadian. So, what I did was, strike up a conversation with her by talking about food! Malaysian food, Western food, how did you like your curry laksa? Too spicy or is it just nice? What's your favourite local dish so far? Really, it was a life saver. And from that topic, it led on to other subjects. I have to admit, that sadly, I am not a witty person. And far from someone with high communication skills. But, I am trying to improve myself continuously. So, this was how the subject of food brought me and someone else closer together.

Thirdly, art. There are many forms of art, but right now, when I think of art, I think of fashion. I wouldn't say all, but I dare say that most girls love fashion. Or, wait, scratch that, shopping. Yeap, I think thats more precise. Most girls love shopping. Although there are one or two who find it a bore. Anyways, its like a hobby. And you'll love talking about it. You'll talk about your past shopping experiences, where the best bargains in town are, or how you got ripped off at a store, etc. It can go on forever. Especially if you find someone else who shares the same opinions as you. I know of this friend, we don't really have much in common, except the fact that we both enjoy shopping. Thus, our conversations mostly revolve around fashion.

So, I guess it does make sense, that food, music, and art improves human communication. As it becomes the subject of conversation, and will lead on to other subjects as well. So, when running out of topics to talk about, you can always fall back on the topic of food, music, and art. It can help you become closer to people, like it did with me.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

][ I'd Never Date Sean Paul.. ][

Yes, we all know how important it is to choose the right person to date because, you might very well just end up spending the rest of your life with that very person. Obviously it goes without saying that you should have good chemistry, communication ( and yadda yadda yadda.. you know the drill ) with the fella you're seeing.

So, the other day while getting ready for college, the radio was on and then a Sean Paul song came on. I don't really remember which one but, then again, most of his songs are similar.

For the sake of this post, we'll just take his " Temperature " song for instance. 
Here's a link to a misheard lyrics video.
Just for kicks, watch it and enjoy it. hahaha.. I thought it was amusing.

So what'd you think? Catchy tune, so-so voice with him moaning and groaning and mumbling the lyrics away. What do you get? Tons of videos about misinterpretted, misheard lyrics. No seriously, I can't understand a word he says! Can you?

With that being the case, I don't think Sean Paul and I are ever going to work out. Why? Well, we'd never be able to have a decent conversation. Communication barrier. How would I ever have a nice time conversing with him if I never understand him? We wouldn't even be able to be friends, much less start a relationship. I wonder if he would be able to understand me. 


Communication is the process of transferring information from one person to another, successfully. You exchange thoughts, opinions or information by speech, writing or signs. Like it hasn't been stated enough, it should be a two-way process in which there is indeed an exhange and progression of thoughts, feelings or ideas.
So unless Sean Paul goes for english classes, or decides to learn sign language or carry around a white board, I doubt you'd be seeing me with him anytime in the near future. * wink wink * 

No matter how hot and rich he is.. 
Yeap, I've definitely got a screw loose somewhere..


Friday, May 15, 2009

A Smile

hey there, its Carmen. And this is post no. 1=)
A smile. It is said that, a smile costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who receive it, without making poorer those who give.
To me, I feel that a smile is a basic form of communication. Non-verbal communication, specifically. It is a form of body language, or facial expression. I believe that it is the first step in creating a friendship or relationship. How is this so? In the context of communication, a smile shows that you are open and approachable. Smiles exhibit warmth and affection. It displays the emotions of joy, happiness, pleasure and other positive feelings. So, for instance, when walking into a room full of unknown faces, what do we do? If we are looking to form new acquaintances, then we would most probably pick out a friendly and approachable looking face, offer a smile, and then hit it off from there.
I'm sure this is a common experience to all of us. I shall now illustrate an example. College. The first day of college is always a daunting experience. Everyone is anxious about their classes, but also, everyone is eager to make new friends. So, during my first class, I gave a quick glance around the room, eyes scanning for a friendly pleasant face, smiled, sat down, introduced myself and yay! Made a new friend. So I guess it is evident that smiling is a fundamental form of communication, as it comes before the act of introducing oneself and striking up conversations between one another.
Smiling is a simple gesture. It is something easy, isn't it? A smile takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. Personally, I think that this is true, that it only takes a couple of seconds to curve those corners of our mouths upwards. But, you can remember the smiles that others gave to you for a long time. Especially smiles from loved ones, such as our family and friends.
But, if this statement holds true, then why is it that some people are so unwilling to smile? There are many examples, but I shall now share this example of mine. I always join tours when I go on holidays. When you join a tour, you're not the only one in that tour, there are other people in the group as well. And you'd be stuck with them for the entire trip, which is at least (for the short tours) a few days or so, whether you like it or not. So, obviously, most people will try to make the best out of the situation. Look at the glass, as half-full instead of half-empty. Be nice to everyone else and try to get along as well as possible. But, there are just some people who are not friendly at all! Even when making eye-contact, they won't return your smile although you've smiled to them. It is inevitable, not to accidentally look into another person's eyes all through the trip. And its not like they'll warm up over the next couple of days, they'll remain hostile throughout the whole time. I don't know, I find it a little difficult. Not to talk, smile or exchange casual pleasantries with the people you know. In this case, its just awkward, because you go to places together for the whole duration of the trip. But, I guess everyone has their own reasons. We all have our own flaws.
Why should we smile? What are the outcomes of smiling? I think, that smiles create happiness, as the people who receive that smile will feel joy in their hearts. Next, smiling also brings rest to those who are weary and cheer to the discouraged. At times in life, we feel sad and blue. But, a smile from a loved one can help lift the weight off our shoulders, brighten our day, give us that small comfort or it can just simply help us get through the rough patches in life.
However, a smile cannot be bought, begged or borrowed. Especially smiles that are given out of sincerity. These smiles which are genuine and pure are just priceless. As said earlier, a smile costs nothing, but gives much. So, even when some people are too tired to offer you a smile, offer them one of yours, because this just goes to show that that person needs a smile more than you!Theres a saying that goes, 'smile and the whole world smiles with you'. So, why keep it to ourselves when we can choose to offer it to someone else and cheer up their day? It might make a difference in someone else's life. Or the start of a new friendship, perhaps? Wouldn't it be a waste of our lives if we frown all the time? So, lets all start by giving a new person a smile each day, we might find that it will help cheer us up too!

Language & Communication

LANGUAGE is the development of the basic form of communication between human beings, and in a society. And just as it is the basic form, it is also the most developed. Different countries speak different languages and that's why came about hundred languages in the world. To get different races to communicate with each other, English came as the international language. Nowadays, English is used widely in the world of finance, commerce, education, research, and the dissemination of knowledge.
I am now taking my foundation program at HELP University College and was planned to advance my degree with the hope to pass my foundation which I found that it could be a tough life for me in the coming next 4 years time.For the first day of my study, I found that everyone here are communicated in English and they speak it fluenty just as their mother tongue.This is the first task that I met and forced th face it because I was grown up in an environment which Mandarin is my mother tongue and language I used to communicate with my family since I was born.My parents seldom talked to me in English even I was in secondary school, most of my friends used to communicated with me either in Mandarin or Bahasa Melayu.These have reduce my opportunity to speak English in my daily life and affected me for not prepare well before I go to college. When I step into the college, I found that it is difficult for me to accommodate myself to this new environment.
I still tried my best to learn and improve my English. In college, everyone seem to speak in English and now is the time and chance for me to forced myself speak out bravery even sometimes I still need to think for a while before I speak. This is the only way for me to communicate and get to know ones better. Furthermore, it helps to build up a friendship with someone new. I believe that I can overcomes this problem soon if I put more effort onto it and for my advise, is good for parents to communicate with their children in English since they were born because it could helps to make their kids's life more easier than mine.
Written by
Judy Wee

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Zeus & Roxanne (1997)

The picture beside is a poster of a 1997’s movie named Zeus & Roxanne which I strongly recommend you to watch it. This movie is about communication between two different species of animal and communication between human and animals. I hereby briefly describe what is the story about.
There is a dog named Zeus who owned by a little boy, Jordan is get into a relationship with a dolphin named Roxanne. Roxanne is looked after by a marine biologist, Mary Beth, who is a single parent and living with her two naughty daughters, Judith and Nora. Mary is trying to study and help Roxanne to get back into her own species because she found that Roxanne refuses to communicate with other dolphins. Unfortunately, another research team leads by Dr. Claude Carver, tries to capture the dolphin and sell her.
One day, Mary found that Zeus is stow away on her boat and follows her to the center of the ocean. Zeus is accidentally fall into the ocean and almost get kill by the shark but suddenly, Roxanne appeared and save it’s life. From this event Mary finds out that the dog and the dolphin can do “ interspecies communication “ which surprised her, she is intrigued and curious about it. On the other hand, Jordan’s father, Terry who lose his beloved wife in an accident finds out that he has relationships with Mary Beth, and they start dating for their first time, under the watchful eyes of the kids. But during the process there are many misunderstanding occurs which they had gone through it later.
When Dr. Claude noticed about the result that obtained by Mary Beth through the investigation that she had made ( interspecies communication ), he tries to use the same method for his experiment but didn’t get any reward from it. When come to almost the end of the story, it is a race to save the dolphin and Zeus, who kidnapped by Dr. Claude for his experiment and Dr. Claude finally was get arrested. It is a happy ending for the end of this story because finally Terry married Mary and Roxanne finds a pod to live in and is time for her to say goodbye to Zeus.
From this story I get an inspiration which is every living beings was exist with a delicate relationship that helps to communicate to each other and we can only learned about it if we really communicate with our true heart.

Written by

Judy Wee

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

][ Stop & Stare.. ][

You know how sometimes you've gone to the mall with the intention of meeting up with your friends for * insert your reason here *. And, because we have all become slaves and followers of the " malaysian timing " trend, everyone is late! So, here you are in the mall, all alone with time to kill. 

What're your options then? Of course you could go to the arcade, go shopping, get a good book OR you could do the next best thing! 

People watching!

It's actually a really simple pastime, meant for people who are by nature observers. All you need is a comfortable location and you're set! Just open those big brown eyes and put them to work!

Amusing, really to watch the sorts of fashions people have on, the differences in appearance, the way they carry themselves, interactions between people, that group of wannabes trying to act chic and hip, couples cuddling up to each other in some corner and the list goes on. Of course this activity works best in a high traffic place where lots of people come by. 

Like the other day, I was sitting along the corridor waiting for the Malaysian Studies class to end so we could go home. I originally had planned to just bury my face in the ' Ps. I love you ' book ( yeah, I'm a nerd. Deal with it.. and btw, the book's awesome! ) but instead, I had music plugged in one ear while my eyes were just scanning the corridors. 

It was interesting. At one corner you had Aris jumping about, doing backflips and other moves practicing his parkour and other.. martial arts like things, not caring that people thought he was an odd one to be bouncing off the walls., literally. Then you'd see the loner shuffling his feet, downcast eyes with his files and books cluthed tightly to his chest. Then there was the loud group who made it a point to let everyone know they were coming by breaking the sound barrier twenty times over. Also, there was the guard who would be walking around seemingly in a trance making his rounds. Did you know he sort of sways from left to right when he walks? See, bet you didn't know that!

If you are NOT a people watcher, then OMG! What're you going reading thing blog? GO STAND OUTSIDE YOUR GATE AND PEOPLE WATCH! ( of course, this is assuming you are at home.. ) or if you're in the com lab then go sit along the corridor watch people go by. It's highly amusing, I can guarantee it! :D Even Ali Maju's a pretty nice place to people watch. Seriously!

So, take a little time out from your busy schedule and..
Become a people watch-er today! :D 


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Communication Channels & Miscommunications

In the video above, it is obvious that there is an interpersonal communication (a.k.a. dyadic communication). This form of communication involves 2 people (Bush & Rice). In this scenario, communication was used to satisfy practical needs. Bush needed to know who the new leader of China is while Rice was responsible for informing Bush. Feedback was sent and received immediately and simultaneously between Bush and Rice. Therefore, it was a transactional model. The conversation was fluid and did not have a one way and static flow. In short, there was a relationship.

The channel that used was face-to-face conversation. This will lead to the fact that it was a verbal and visual communication between the president of America and Condoleezza Rice. This channel turned out to be ineffective because it caused misconceptions and misunderstandings during the conversation. It has been proven that the face-to-face channels are weak when it comes to delivering a detailed message. The best way to convey a detailed message is by writing it down in black and white (hardcopy). A classic example is shown in the video above where Rice informs Bush that “HU” is the new leader of China while Bush thinks that Rice is asking him “Who” the new leader of China is. This misunderstanding goes on for a couple of minutes and frustrates both parties.

Later, when Bush asks Condoleezza if she will tell him the name of the new leader in China, he misinterprets her answer as “Yassir” instead of “Yes Sir”. He therefore thinks that “Yassir Arafat” (the leader of Middle East) is now leading China. Another miscommunication has taken place because both Bush and Rice did not pick the best channel to communicate through. Again, this misinterpreted conversation goes on and causes bad conflict.

To make matters worse, Bush thought that Rice was asking him if he wanted “coffee” and that she called him “Annan” instead of “George” when she actually wanted to confirm if “Kofi Annan?” was the Secretary General of the United Nations. He makes Condoleezza confused and she now thinks that Bush wants “coffee”! He instructs her to get him milk and the UN. She replies “Yes Sir”. The same thing happens again. Bush thinks that she is going to get “Yassir” on the phone and states again that he wants the guy in the UN. When Rice asks if it is “Kofi” Bush think she’s asking if he wants “coffee” AGAIN and asks for “milk” instead!

This crazy misinterpreted conversation goes on and on and on. This video also shows that interpersonal communication can have bad conflicts. Communication is never simple. It is complex and should be done with proper planning. To sum it all up, choosing the right channels are important so that one gets the right message conveyed.

Written by,

Jane Tai